Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Angels and demons

I'm almost *almost!* done with Yoda's moly. Here's what I've got so far. Just a few more finishing touches and this weekend I'll be sending it off to Lynne (complete with sheep sticker, for speedy delivery).

I do have a question, though...Yoda: I found a few sticker prints of a little cat in the back pocket of your moly. Is one of them for me? I was hoping it was a secret freebie...I love that little masked cat!


Michael Nightmare said...

This is great artwork I can't wait to see how you finish it off.

Lady Orlando said...

It looks so nice so far and the demon's name is priceless :DD

Yes, one of the prints is for you ;))

Lynne said...

hahaha...the bad doggy demon being led by love....great stuff....cant wait to continue with this theme :-)

S said...

Thanks guys!

Yoda, I took out a print... but I left something else in there for you. :D