Michael's moly is (finally!) finished. Hope you like it! I don't know if I've ever actually heard a spider go "bump", but I don't usually hang around long enough to find out. Especially if they have teeth.
It's on its way to you, Lynne!
And...I just got Lynne's book in the mail, so I'll get to work on that one when I finish Yoda's.
ps. Check it out Michael, I left you a little photo in the back pocket...to show you what your moly was up to while he was here. It was during Halloween (how appropriate), so he hung out with our jack-o-lanterns...
Amazing!!!! I love those little spiders. I look forward to seeing the enclosed photo as well. I also like the little spider that you added into my entry. Great job.
they are great fun.....I am looking forward to my turn in this book.....
Lynne, I posted it to you yesterday. The same post office guy put the all-important sheep sticker on it, so it should be arriving in record sheep time. :)
Has anyone heard from Yoda???? she seems to be M.I.A. as of late
I might be wrong Michael, but I seem to remember reading somewhere That Yoda was moving house, and might be busy for a little while........
I hope that is the case. Just was wondering because she was always posting for her groups and then dissapeard :)
Yay it has arrived Steph....bump bump bump.....
It's there already?! SHEEP POWER!
Really ! Sheep power is wonderful !!! :-)
wow can't wait to see what you do with it lynne :)
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