Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not as fun as a lobster bib...but still fun.

I found us a new toy, this little chat box on the sidebar here, so we can have a quick way to keep in touch. Like, say, if I ever finish my current moly and post it to Lynne, I can let her know (heh heh...No, really, I'll be done soon). What do you think? Is everyone ok with it?


Lynne said...

I have put all our addresses in an alert bar....does everyone get messages when someone posts? and makes a comment? I think if we put everything in the side box no-one will remember to look at the blog...it doesnt alert us to any comments....

S said...

Good idea. So far, I have been getting messages when someone posts/comments.

That is the one downfall to the side box: no email alerts. There is a version you can upgrade to that does include updates, but it's not free like the basic one.

It was just an idea, I'm not all that attached to it. If it will clutter things up more than help, maybe I should just delete it?

Michael Nightmare said...

yes i do get messages when its posted and comments which I like because otherwise i'd forget like you said to check it as much and would be less active.

S said...

I moved the Cbox down to the bottom of the page...if anyone would like it somewhere else in the sidebar (other than very top or very bottom), I need some extra help with the HTML to do that. :)