Michael is the protection Archangel, described as the prince of light, leading forces of good against the darkness of evil...and he's coming your way Steph:)
I'm finally finished my entry to Yvonne's book, so Moly and I decided to celebrate by doing some touristy sight-seeing around town. We ended up at a local park/zoo, where Mr. Moly was pretty apprehensive about this odd mini-cow in the llama pen. He's ready to move on with his travels and hang out with Lynne. See ya, Moly!
Yvonne's theme was easy to work with. I continued on with her nostalgic story theme, and threw in a retro toy, too, to match her Big Wheel. Hope you like it!
ps. I also included a secret message in the back pocket, Yvonne. You can check it out when it comes back to you!
I know the picture sucks and i'll get better ones up but I am pretty excited about this one I think it came together nicely. I chose Factory, Formaldehyde, and Flamingo. Yvonne it's coming your way this week along with my other one for group 39 on mythology / legends
I found us a new toy, this little chat box on the sidebar here, so we can have a quick way to keep in touch. Like, say, if I ever finish my current moly and post it to Lynne, I can let her know (heh heh...No, really, I'll be done soon). What do you think? Is everyone ok with it?
I haven't had a lot of moly-time lately, and am definitely living in fear of speedy Yvonne sending me another book while I'm still working on these two. But no worries, I've got some sketches laid down and it should be off to Lynne soon. ps. Lynne, I think you'll love this theme...it's really, really cool. Someone commented on my Flickr photo of it, that it had this great storybook quality to it, and I totally agree. Really fun.